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Atlanta Photography Blog

What To Consider Before Pressing the Shutter Button

A picture is worth a thousand words. A picture you have to edit in multiple places is a pain in the arse. Today we’ll discuss what to consider before you actually press the shutter button. This subject takes a while to really understand and requires experience so be patient with this one. As a photographer… Continue reading What To Consider Before Pressing the Shutter Button

How a Website Works

Websites work through a client server model with a request response framework. A web server determines what page should be served if the link is not fully qualified (does not contain an actual file to be displayed). This file is usually index.html file or some index file based on the server language. So what happens… Continue reading How a Website Works

Design Patterns Commonly Seen in Web Frameworks

The more you work with object oriented programming (OOP) in your website or programming field, the more you realize there are certain design patterns that can be used to solve similar sets of problems. These patterns are only made possible because of the flexibility and security provided in the OOP way of programming. It can… Continue reading Design Patterns Commonly Seen in Web Frameworks

What’s Up With All This Gray?

Cameras like things to be gray. Not white, not black, but gray. It can spread its wings up or down from gray (a middle tone), but actual black or white, it can only go one direction. In other words, black or white is an extreme tone. You’ve probably never thought about that, but it’s true.… Continue reading What’s Up With All This Gray?

Bulb Mode Settings and Exposures

Bulb mode photography is an advanced technique that records light and still objects for as long as the camera lens is open. To take advantage of this powerful mode, you will need a tripod to hold your camera steady and a remote shutter release to prevent camera shake. Shutter releases are unique to each camera… Continue reading Bulb Mode Settings and Exposures

The Ultimate Guide to Purchasing a Camera Lens

Camera lenses are expensive! However, once you start to use the more advanced lenses, it becomes very evident why. Unfortunately, your images can only be as good as your equipment. Follow along in this guide to determine what your next lens should be. Zoom vs Fixed Lens When shopping in the lens department, you will… Continue reading The Ultimate Guide to Purchasing a Camera Lens

Choose Your Website Developer Carefully!

Unlike a guide or helpful hints, this is more of a list of things to know when choosing a web developer from a security perspective. Security is paramount to anything worth having. If you can’t secure it, then eventually it will be stolen or abused. And security in web speak is Hacker. White hat hackers… Continue reading Choose Your Website Developer Carefully!

HTML Programming Paradise With VIM Code Editor

VIM editing is the holy grail of integrated development environments (IDEs). No, it does not have pictures and pretty things to click on. No, it doesn’t naturally include all your project files with drag-and-drop. No, no, and no. But yes, it is the best HTML Code editor, in my opinion. Let me give you some… Continue reading HTML Programming Paradise With VIM Code Editor

Why You May Want to Skip the Discount Priced Photographer

Everyone loves a discount! All a discount does is make you feel like you did better than others in the same situation. It’s a feeling. Companies use these feelings all the time to WIN your business (in reality, discounts are sometimes real and sometimes imagined). Yes, you may save some money, but what you’re really… Continue reading Why You May Want to Skip the Discount Priced Photographer

13 Step Guide to Implementing Online SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is required to make your website worthwhile on its own in the WWW universe. Yet, all too many companies and start-ups push this important task towards the back of the to-do list. Although it’s somewhat understandable, it is highly undesirable if you own a website. SEO is like building your credibility… Continue reading 13 Step Guide to Implementing Online SEO

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